As more consumers turn to credit cards for everyday purchases, restaurants are increasingly finding themselves short on cash to pay out employee tips and driver fees on a daily basis. With the COVID pandemic accelerating this trend, restaurant owners are looking for ways to minimize trips to the bank to replenish their cash on hand, while still remaining competitive in hiring drivers & servers.
Thrive POS 8.0.55 supports this trend by offering the “Tips on Payroll” setting. Daily tips for driver & server close outs are reported on the payroll report rather than paid in cash at the shift close.
Thrive has partnered with KickFin for instant, electronic employee payments. Our integration with KickFin enables the “Tips & Fees on Payroll” to be immediately transferred to employee bank accounts each day.

- Eliminate bank runs
- Compete with Instacart & Uber with same day delivery driver payment
- Improve cash security
- Fast, easy implementation - literally overnight
- Employees receive instant text message alerts with their tip deposit information