Looking for a way to easily find a ticket from any of your locations? TicketFinder’s natural language search options give you the flexibility to search through thousands of tickets quickly and easily. Just type the criteria you are looking for — whether it’s based on items ordered, coupons used, order source, customer information, tender type used, employee, order type, etc.
All the tickets where breadsticks were ordered during lunch? All the tickets at Location X that originated via Chowly, were paid with GrubHub, and included a Vegetarian Pizza? How about all the tickets ordered last week with the BOGO coupon that also included something from the appetizer department?

TicketFinder gives you the flexibility to customize your search and view a summary of results — or dive into ticket details including all the customer information, a timeline of the ticket’s history, driver & delivery information, and more. Data is up-to-the-minute and available for all locations from the convenience of your web browser — no access to the store required.
This feature is available now in the Thrive Analytics drop down of Thrive Control Center. Learn more here: https://thrivepos.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1960267. If you do not have a Thrive Control Center Account, please contact us! Any Thrive POS user with version 8.0 or higher can take advantage of this and the rest of the Analytics tools included with your POS subscription.