Thrive Product News

Thrive Control Center: Menu Builder Item Navigation Improvements

Written by Adam Green | Jul 23, 2024 1:31:53 PM

These features have been added to make navigating menu departments, categories and items a little easier, especially when making bulk changes to each individual entity.

Menu Changes - Department, Category and Item Navigation

The first thing you will notice, if you navigate to Menu>Menu Items and choose to Edit a Department is along the top of the Department information is a scroll bar. Every Department is listed for easy access. In version 1.1.10, to navigate to another department, you either had to navigate backwards, to the list of departments or make a change and select ‘Save and Next’. You can now simply select which department you would like to edit next along the top. You will still be warned to save any unsaved changes upon attempting to navigate to another department, but remember to save changes as you’re working, just in case!    

(To navigate to another department, simply click the departments name along the top scroll bar.)

The same feature can be found inside of categories, and items. Pictured below is the Category ‘Create Your Own’, along the top, other categories in the same department are listed.







When switching from one category to the next, whatever sub-menu you had open, in this case inclusions and modifiers, should remain open when you switch to the next category or item.






This should make for seamless transitions between categories and items and make manually performed bulk changes much easier by eliminating unnecessary keystrokes, and eliminate confusion caused by automatically being redirected to the next item by PLU, when by default these items are displayed alphabetically.

Heres on more screenshot to illustrate the new feature. Once you are done editing the ‘BBQ Chicken Pizza’ price, you can simply save and move on to the Buffalo Chicken Pizza by clicking it at the top, and whatever sub-menu was open, in the below example, Price, will be expanded by default upon navigating to the next item.



You may notice on Departments, having the sub-menu Size/Style open and navigating to the next department, those sub-menus will collapse. This is expected behavior, and it should be the only place the sub-menu you had open will not default to being open upon navigating to the next entity.

Modifiers behave the same way, and navigating modifier to modifier can be done using the list along the top.



That covers the new features, and hopefully menu navigation is much easier for you in the future! Thanks for reading!


If your version of Thrive POS is not using Thrive Control Center,
please contact your Customer Success Representative for upgrade information